hepexrumor - 2022-2023 (2024)

This is the 2022-2023 HEP-Experiment faculty (tenure-track or permanent position) rumor mill. No guarantees of accuracy here. For more information on our posting policies, see The Fine Print.

To submit rumors or corrections, or to help fill in missing information from past years, email hepexrumor [at] gmail [dot] com or fill in the form below. The form is anonymous. Your feedback on the structure and content of the site is also welcome, either through the form or by email.

Please help to keep the list of jobs updated by submitting links to specific job postings.

Some random notes that don't fit neatly into the table are at the bottom of the page.

Field Key:

  • Colliders (energy frontier)

  • Dark matter, direct detection (cosmic frontier)

  • Neutrino, lepton physics (intensity frontier)

  • Other

Combinations of letters indicate an ad that either specifies no subfield, or identifies several. Combinations that contain underlined letters indicate some perceived preference (or rumor) for a particular subfield. See more on this in The Fine Print.

Last updated July 24, 2024. Recent changes:

New Posts:

Short Lists:


Faculty Shuffle:


Positions outside of the US

Job Posting (Field)

Short List


Cambridge (CDNO):

Harry Cliff (Cambridge) [LHCb], James Howarth (Glasgow) [ATLAS], Matt Kenzie (Warwick) [LHCb], Karsten Koeneke (Freiburg) [ATLAS], Elisabeth Schopf (Oxford), [ATLAS], Sarah Williams (Cambridge) [ATLAS]

Sarah Williams (accepted)

Cambridge (Data science) (CDNO):

Lorena Escudero Sanchez (Cambridge), Matt Kenzie (Warwick) [LHCb], ...

Matt Kenzie (offered)

Linyan Wan (Boston) [SuperK], Patrick Stowell (Durham) [T2K]

Linyan Wan (declined), Patrick Stowell (accepted)


Christian Ohm (KTH) [ATLAS], Tamara Vazquez Schroeder (CERN) [ATLAS], ...

Christian Ohm (offered)

Uppsala (C):

Rebeca Gonzalez Suarez (Uppsala) [ATLAS], Christian Ohm (KTH) [ATLAS], Karsten Köneke (Freiburg) [ATLAS]

Rebeca Gonzalez Suarez (offered)



Chris Young (Freiburg) [ATLAS], Jan Kieseler (CERN) [CMS], Cristina Botta (Zurich) [CMS], Katharine Leney (SMU) [ATLAS], Clemens Lange (CERN) [CMS]

Cristina Botta (accepted)

Chris Young (accepted)


Matt LeBlanc (CERN) [ATLAS], Javier Llorente (Simon Fraser) [ATLAS], ...

McGill (CDNO)

Jeff Dandoy (Penn) [ATLAS], Nedaa-Alexandra Asbah (Harvard) [ATLAS], Danielle Norcini (UChicago) [DAMIC-M], ...

Danielle Norcini (offered)


Florian Bernlochner (Bonn) [Belle II], Christine Kraus (SNOLAB) [SNO+], Jonas H Rademacker (Bristol) [LHCb], Marco Gersabeck (Manchester) [LHCb], Christoph Langenbruch (Aachen) [LHCb], ...

Marco Gersabeck (accepted)

Alexander Bylinkin (Bergen) [ALICE], David Dobrigkeit Chinellato (UNICAMP) [ALICE], Valentina Mantovani Sarti (TUM) [ALICE], Martin Andreas Volkl (Heildelberg) [ALICE]

Pisa (CDN)

Alberto Annovi (Pisa) [ATLAS], Elena Graverini (EPFL) [LHCb], Marina Manganaro (Rijeka) [CTA], Diego Tonelli (Trieste) [Belle2]

Elena Graverini (offered)

DONATO Silvio, FAUCCI GIANNELLI Michele, Dott. LAZZARO Claudia, MARINI Andrea Carlo, SPANO’ Francesco, TASSIELLI Giovanni Francesco

Marini Andrea Carlo

Alexander Keshavarzi (Manchester) [g-2, Mu2e], Marco Del Tutto (Fermilab) [SBN], Ennio Salvioni (CERN) [Theory], Ken Mimasu (King’s College) [Theory]

Alexander Keshavarzi (offered), Marco Del Tutto (offered), Ennio Salvioni (offered), Ken Mimasu (offered)

Claudio Savarese (Princeton) [Darkside], Marco Del Tutto (Fermilab) [SBN]

Claudio Savarese (offered), Marco Del Tutto (offered)

Imperial (ML) (CDNO)

Patrick Dunne (Imperial) [T2K/DUNE], Sarah Malik (UCL) [CMS], ...

Patrick Dunne (offered)

CERN IC (May 2023) (C)

Stefano Camarda (CERN) [ATLAS], Arely Cortes Gonzalez (Berlin HU) [ATLAS]

Stefano Camarda

Bologna (CDNO)

Federica Fabbri (Glasgow) [ATLAS], Michele Fauci Gianelli (Roma 2) [ATLAS], Federica Primavera (Bologna) [CMS], Francesco Spano (MIUR) [ATLAS], Camilla Vittori (Bologna) [ATLAS]

Federica Fabbri

Nikhef (CO)

Sheffield (second job) (N)

Anthony Ezeribe (Sheffield) [DUNE], Rhiannon Jones (Sheffield) [DUNE/SBND], Pip Hamilton (Imperial) [DUNE], Nicola McConkey (UCL) [DUNE/SBND], Steve Dennis (Cambridge) [DUNE/MicroBooNE], Marco Roda (Liverpool) [DUNE/SBND/GENIE]

Rhiannon Jones (offered)

Nedaa-Alexandra Asbah (Harvard) [ATLAS], Joshuha Thomas-Wilsker (NTU) [CMS], Renato Quagliani (EPFL) [LHCb], Bingxuan Liu (SFU) [ATLAS], Giuliano Gustavino (CERN) [ATLAS]

Nedaa-Alexandra Asbah (accepted), Renato Quagliani (accepted)

Ljubljana (CDNO)

Miha Muskinja (LBNL) [ATLAS]

Miha Muskinja (accepted)

Positions in the US

Job Posting (Field)

Short List


Michigan (CDNO)

Julia Gonski (Columbia) [ATLAS]

Julia Gonski (declined)


Fernanda Psihas (Fermilab) [SBN, DUNE], Mitchell Soderberg (Syracuse) [DUNE], Christine Kraus (Snolab) [SNO+], Daniel Pershey (Duke) [DUNE, T2K], Jeremy Wolcott (Tufts) [DUNE, NOvA], Sophie Berkman (Fermilab) [MicroBooNE]

Sophie Berkman (accepted)

Brown (C)

Jennifer Roloff (BNL) [ATLAS], Jeff Dandoy (Penn) [ATLAS], Nedaa-Alexandra Asbah (Harvard) [ATLAS], Loukas Gouskos (CERN) [CMS], Jesse Liu (Cambridge) [ATLAS], Matt Klein (Michigan) [ATLAS]

Loukas Gouskos (accepted), Jennifer Roloff (accepted)

Fernanda Psihas (Fermilab) [SBN, DUNE], Tanaz Mohayai (Fermilab) [DUNE, MicroBooNE], Linyan Wan (Boston) [SuperK], Dan Pershey (Duke) [DUNE, COHERENT], Zoya Vallari (Caltech) [DUNE, NOvA]

Tanaz Mohayai (accepted)

Harvard (CDNO)

Chelsea Bartram (SLAC) [ADMX], Elise Novitski (Washington) [Project 8], Jon Ouellet (MIT) [CUORE], several other non-HEP

UC Davis (CDNO)

Zoya Vallari (Caltech) [DUNE, NOvA] , Deepa Thomas (UT Austin) [ALICE]

Marco Del Tutto (Fermilab) [SBND], Nedaa-Alexandra Asbah (Harvard) [ATLAS], Tanaz Mohayai (Fermilab) [DUNE, MicroBooNE], Linyan Wan (Boston) [SuperK], Sophie Middleton (Caltech) [Mu2e, LDMX, BABAR], Nick Smith (Fermilab) [CMS], Christian Herwig (Fermilab) [CMS]

Marco Del Tutto (accepted), Linyan Wan (accepted)


Gian Michele Innocenti (CERN) [ALICE]

Julia Gonski (Columbia) [ATLAS], Danielle Norcini (UChicago) [DAMIC-M], Loukas Gouskos (CERN) [CMS], Cristina Mantilla Suarez (Fermilab) [CMS]

Danielle Norcini (accepted)

Minnesota (DNO)

Marco Del Tutto (Fermilab) [SBN], Danielle Norcini (UChicago) [DAMIC-M], Kelly Stifter (Fermilab) [SENSEI/quantum], ...

Kelly Stifter (declined)

Oregon (CDNO)

Yvette Cendes (Harvard) [astro]

Yvette Cendes (accepted)

Jennifer Roloff (BNL) [ATLAS], Matt LeBlanc (CERN) [ATLAS], Haider Abidi (BNL) [ATLAS], Valerio Dao (CERN) [ATLAS], Saptaparna Bhattacharya (DESY) [CMS]

Haider Abidi (accepted)

Hualin Mei (UC Santa Barbara) [CMS], Jaebak Kim (UC Santa Barbara) [CMS], Yoav Afik (CERN) [ATLAS], Yuta Takahashi (Zurich) [CMS]

Yuta Takahashi (accepted)

Dan Pershey (Duke) [DUNE, COHERENT], Zoya Vallari (Caltech) [DUNE, NOvA], Marco Del Tutto (Fermilab) [SBN], Pranava Teja Surukuchi (Yale) [Project8, CUORE/CUPID, PROSPECT]

Pranava Teja Surukuchi (accepted)

Julia Gonski (Columbia) [ATLAS], Giordon Stark (UCSC) [ATLAS], Jeff Dandoy (Penn) [ATLAS], Nedaa-Alexandra Asbah (Harvard) [ATLAS], Quentin Buat (Washington) [ATLAS], Jennifer Roloff (BNL) [ATLAS], Hannah Arnold (Nikhef) [ATLAS], Valerio Dao (CERN) [ATLAS]

Julia Gonski (declined), Valerio Dao (accepted),

Hannah Arnold (accepted)

Austin (O)

Stanford (CDNO)


Giordon Stark (UCSC) [ATLAS], Matt LeBlanc (CERN) [ATLAS], Rachel Hyneman (SLAC) [ATLAS], Yuta Takahashi (Zurich) [CMS], James Beacham (Duke) [ATLAS], Matt Klein (Michigan) [ATLAS]

Matt LeBlanc (declined), Matt Klein (accepted), Rachel Hyneman (declined)


Aishik Ghosh (UC Irvine) [ATLAS], Aobo Li (UNC Chapel Hill) [LEGEND, KamLAND-Zen], Rachel Hyneman (SLAC) [ATLAS]

Aobo Li (accepted)


Gian Michele Innocenti (CERN) [ALICE], Alexander Jentsch (BNL) [STAR], James Mulligan (LBNL) [ALICE], Yuxiang Zhao (Institute of Modern Physics, Lanzhou) [BES], ...

Yale (O)

Laura Havener (Yale) [ALICE], Austin Baty (Rice) [CMS], Alice Ohlson (Lund) [ALICE], Sookhyun Lee (Michigan) [PHENIX, LHCb], Kong Tu [EPIC, STAR] (BNL)

Laura Havener (offered)

Caltech (CDNO)

Scott Haselschwardt (LBNL) [LZ]

Princeton (CDNO)

Danielle Norcini (UChicago) [DAMIC-M], Claudio Savarese (Princeton) [Darkside], Saptarshi Chaudhuri

Saptarshi Chaudhuri (accepted)

Aishik Ghosh (Irvine) [ATLAS], Julia Gonski (Columbia) [ATLAS], Johan Bonilla (UCDavis) [CMS], Alex Malz (CMU) [Rubin]

Johan Bonilla (accepted)


Sookhyun Lee (Michigan) [PHENIX, LHCb], Cheuk-Ping Wong (LANL) [LHCb, EIC]

Claudio Savarese (Princeton) [Darkside]

Claudio Savarese (offered)

Claudio Savarese (Princeton University) [DarkSide]

Julia Gonski (Columbia) [ATLAS], Kelly Stifter (FNAL) [SENSEI/quantum], ...

Julia Gonski (accepted), Kelly Stifter (accepted)

Tanaz Mohayai (Fermilab) [DUNE, MicroBooNE], Linyan Wan (Boston) [SuperK], Dan Pershey (Duke) [DUNE,COHERENT]

Linyan Wan (offered), Dan Pershey (accepted)

Saptaparna Bhattacharya (DESY) [CMS]

Scott Haselschwardt (LBNL) [LZ], Peter Lewis (Bonn) [Belle II], Harsh Purwar (Hawaii) [Belle II], Keisuke Yoshihara (Nagoya) [Belle II], Gabriele D'Amen (BNL) [ATLAS]

Peter Lewis (accepted), Keisuke Yoshihara (accepted)


Tanaz Mohayai (Fermilab) [DUNE, MicroBooNE], Alexander Leder (Berkeley) [HAYSTACK, DMRadio, ALPHA]

Alexander Leder (accepted)

Elliot Reynolds (LBNL) [ATLAS], Souvik Das (Purdue) [CMS], Hyunyong Kim (TAMU) [CMS]

Souvik Das (accepted)

Random Notes

    • The start of a new year! Welcome to the 2022-2023 page. Note that we'll probably still get some updates for the previous year for a little while; these will be noted in the changes section above.

    • Sheffield notes their deadline has been extended till August 31.

    • August 29: Something went wrong with the link the the 2020-2021 page. Working on it... Thanks for the report.

    • September 25: Sheffield sending rejections

    • September 25: Moved the 2022 CERN IC job to this year, following feedback

    • October 19: 2020-2021 page restored. Let us know if you see other issues.

    • November 5: Big update. Apologies for the delays, will respond at the normal tempo now.

    • November 5: Brown has a research assistant professorship; as these are generally not tenure-track we haven't posted it above. But if someone has more info please feel free to submit a correction.

    • December 22: Happy holidays! Another batch of updates (weren't too many recently).

    • December 22: Caltech and Oregon doing long-list interviews. Wilson inviting for interviews. Indiana sending long-list interviews. UF has a second round of Zoom interviews ongoing.

    • January 5: Short list invitations for Yale going out.

    • January 8: Copy/paste mistake on the CNRS shortlist, thanks for the correction

    • January 9: Brookhaven long-list interviews have gone out

    • January 9: Shortlist for the Northeastern job is out-- anyone in HEP?

    • January 11: Minnesota scheduling zoom interviews. Cambridge (Data Science) first round offers made.

    • January 12: Fixed Caltech link (thanks for the correction!). Pittsburgh is sending long list interviews.

    • January 19: Received a note that Thomas Jefferson Laboratory has started interviewing process-- any job posting for this we can link? Update Jan 20: thanks for the tip, looks probable that this is the right link

    • January 25: SLAC Panofsky is sending short list invitations

    • January 31: Stanford sending out rejections

    • February 1: We had a small issue with our submission sheet in the past few days. If you posted something and it wasn't reflected on the site, please submit again: we think this probably didn't eat any submissions but just wanted to be sure. The issue is fixed and won't repeat.

    • February 15: Austin has begun shortlist interviews. Stanford is sending rejections. Caltech sending long-list invites.

    • February 22: Brookhaven sending short-list invites. Davis sending out rejections. CNRS short-list is publicaly posted and linked above.

    • March 6: UC Davis has been doing zoom interviews, and is sending out rejections + short list

    • March 6: MIT sending rejections

    • March 6: UCSD starting interviews

    • March 6: Honolulu sending out long list invitations. Anyone have a link to the job?

    • March 6: Rumor that Brown has made an offer

    • March 8: Thanks for the typo correction for Hopkins. Rumor is that an offer for Panofsky is out.

    • March 16: Rumor that McGill has made an offer

    • March 23: Rumor that Indiana has made an offer, and it is accepted

    • March 23: When submitting rumors, please be clear on whether it's an offer or short-list. We also got at least one short-list where the job was unclear-- please get back in touch if you submitted a bunch of names and you don't see them. Thanks!

    • March 23: Corrected Honolulu --> Hawaii. Hawaii is sending out short-list invitations and long-list rejections.

    • April 7: Posted a second job at Pisa-- this seems distinct from the first one. Corrections welcome.

    • April 7: Rumor that shortlist exists for Nikhef job just posted.

    • April 7: Quick note: for some positions like SLAC Panofsky that are also hiring outside of HEP, we will generally only post the HEP-oriented names. If there is a mistake and someone specific should be added, please feel free to file a correction (though note that if they requested their name to be removed, we will not post it).

    • April 7: LANL is interviewing shortlisted candidates.

    • May 11: CERN sending offer letters (not sure which job)

    • May 19: Job posting at Notre Dame for next year: https://inspirehep.net/jobs/2658244 (will post to the new page later this summer)

    • May 19: Hawaii offer about to go out

    • June 6: Matt LeBlanc also accepted a position at Brown

    • June 6: RAL is looking for a new director for particle physics (https://www.careersportal.co.uk/UKRI-careers/jobs/director-of-stfc-particle-physics-department-ppd-3234)

    • July 3: New job at Ljubljana: https://inspirehep.net/jobs/2668766 , https://www.uni-lj.si/news/job_vacancies/2023061212151315/

    • July 3: Several jobs at KEK: Instrumentation: https://www.kek.jp/en/jobs/ipns22-19e ATLAS: https://www.kek.jp/en/jobs/ipns22-17e Instrumentation: https://www.kek.jp/en/jobs/ipns22-16e Neutrino: https://www.kek.jp/en/jobs/ipns22-15e [Will post page for new year shortly...]

    • July 30: Next academic year page coming shortly. Hope everyone enjoys their August break, and good luck in the new year!

    • August 4: Florida Tech about to make an offer

    • August 24: Cristina Mantilla Suarez (FNAL) [CMS] was hired by University of Virginia. (Anyone have a job link or info? Can put into the list above if provided)

hepexrumor - 2022-2023 (2024)
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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Author information

Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.