The Portsmouth Star from Portsmouth, Virginia (2024)

Carney Weds Frederic D. The 1 marriage Miss Kathryn Carney Woolridge, daughter of and Mrs. Oscar Bailey WoolD. Horton, Mrs. Omah ridge of to Frederic Scott Horton, of Wellington, took place Saturday afternoon in of Methodist Church.

The ceremony was performed by the bride's brother, Rev. Oscar Bailey Woolridge, Charlottesville. The chapel was decorated with palms. ferns, baskets of white mixed flowers and candelabras. The wedding music was played by the Rev.

Dewitt Wasson and Miss Virginia Brinkley sang "I Love Thee' and "The Lord's Prayer." The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a wedding gown of tight white marquisette made with bodice, long sleeves and the full skirt forming a train. Her veil of illusion was arranged from a soms wreath and of she pearlized orange bloscarried a white prayer book topped with a white orchid. Her only ornament was a strand of pearls, a gift of the bridegroom. She had as her attendants her sister, Mrs. Edward W.

Wrenn, of Washington, D. C. and her sister-in-law. Mrs. Robert W.

Wooldridge. of New York. They both wore dresses of white marquisette fashioned with tight bodices and full skirts. They carried arm bouquets of mixed spring flowers with matching flowers in their hair. Joel F.

Carlson was man for Mr. Horton and the best, ushers were Robert W. Wooldridge, of New York, Edward W. Wrenn, of Washington and Edward R. Scott, Mrs.

Wooldridge, mother of the bride, wore a salmon pink crepe dress and a corsage of purple orchids. Following the ceremony a reception was held in the social hall of the church. Later in the afternoon the for wedding trip through Southern left, states- Thes will make their home at 229 West 10th street, in Hutchinson, Kan. Among the out -town guests at the wedding were Mr. and Mrs.

In Epworth Chapel Woolridge Horton, Jr. Saturday Edgar S. roore. Mr. and Mrs.

W. Figg and Mr. and Mrs. R. G.

Wooldridge, of Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. G. 8.

Williams. Col. F. J. Kendall and Mr.

and Mrs. E. W. Wrenn, of Washington, D. Rev.

and Mrs. O. B. Wooldridge, Jr. and Robert Thomas Wooldridge.

of Charlottesville, Mr. and Mrs. W. Wooldridge, of New York. Announcements U.

D. C. to Meet The Ports- mouth Chapter, United Daughters of Confederacy, will meet tomorrow at 3:15 p. m. at the home of Mrs.

M. C. Williams. 939 Leckie street. Mrs.

H. W. Shafer will be cohostess. Mrs. Robert R.

Beaton, historian, will give a program on "Sidney Lanter." To Entertain--Wives of the officers of the USS Midway, including the Air Group, will hold A luncheon in NOB Officers Club on Thursday, February 24, at 1 p. m. For reservations, call Charles C. Roberts, 87416, or Mrs. Thomas H.

Moorer, 33418. Bible Class to Meet- The Van Guard Bible Class of Prentis Park Presbyterian church will hold its meeting tomorrow at 7:30 p. m. Mr. John Crostic will All members are urged to attend and bring a visitor.

Friendship Meeting Pauline Parker, Friendship chairman, Portsmouth Chapter No. 966.1 Women of the Moose, announces Friendship meeting tonight at 8 p. m. at 910 Washington street. Hostesses for the evening are Minnie Johnson, Frances Sumner.

Alice Cox and Tillie Rollins. All Friendship members are requested to attend and bring Pollyannas. Personals In West VA. -Miss Mary Carter is the guest of Mr. and Mrs.

Hunter Martin in Wheeling, West Virginia. Returns to Petersburg- -Mrs. W. Party at Maryview Student Nurses Given Lovely The Women's Auxiliary of Maryview Hospital tendered the student nurses a Valentine party on Feb. 18th at St.

Paul's grammar school cafeteria. Entertainment for the occasion was comprised of playing bingo, with many useful gifts to the winners. A Valentine motif was carried out in the tablecloth, plates and napkins. Delicious refreshments were served by the committee. The nurses' home committee consists of Mrs.

John W. Bowers, III. chairman; Mrs. P. J.

Bisese, co-chairman; Mrs. George W. Imel, Mrs. Ivan C. Myers.

Mrs. James L. Hill, Mrs. Robert F. Mueller.

Mary M. Campbell Married to W. Creekmore, Jr. Mr. and Mrs.

Ruius M. Campbell of Belton. South Carolina, announce the marriage of their daughter. Mary Mozelle, to Walter N. Creekmore, son of Mr.

and Mrs. Walter N. Creekmore. of this city. The double ring ceremony was performed by the Rev.

Paul A. Chesney, pastor of Simonsdale Presbyterian Church, on January 28th. The bride wore a suit of mixed colors with brown accessories, corsage of white rose buds. Immediately following the mony the couple left for a trip through Skyline Drive and later to South Carolina, the home of the bride's parents. They are making their home at 5409 Oid Suffolk boulevard.

Second Equalization Report Ready SURRY, Feb. 21-4P-The second report on school equalization by the Surry County School Board a and Superintendent M. I B. Joyner will be discussed by attorneys for Negro plaintiffs and the TO ADDRESS KIWANIANS Warren T. White.

Director of Public Relations for the Seaboard Railroad, who be guest speaker at the Kiwanis Club weekly meeting Wednesday at 1 p. m. L. Zimmer returned to her home in Petersburg after visit with Mrs. Clay Pickett in this city.

Guest from Raleigh-Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Howell.

of Raleigh, former residents of this city, are the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Cullen in Waterview. Left for Illinois Richard B. Nuckols left Sunday for Peoria, where he will join his brother.

Kenneth B. Nuckols and become associated the Century Metalcraft Corporation. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Dorsey B.

Nuckols, 12 Treakle terrace. Mr. and Mrs. L. Saucier of Leckie street have returned home after a three weeks absence from the city on account of teh death of Mrs.

Saucier's mother, Mrs. Cecil Conway, of Brawley, Calif. The funeral was held on February 13th in Mobile, Ala. Accidents on U. S.

farms some 19,000 persons annually. AMERICAN FAMILY CLOSE-UP As they go, so goes the nation! How Bob Norris Bob ville, client solve Norris, Tennessee, tax left, of helps problem. Clarke made the job he couldn't find It happened only three months after After six years of teaching himself accountRobert and Marguerite Norris were mar- ing, Bob got his first break! He started in a ried! Bob suffered an accident that changed part-time bookkeeping job. Little his whole life. He could no longer do active enough, but it gave him the chance to prove jobs he knew; he lacked the training for any he could work as well as the next man.

other! Big odds against Bob -but he re- Meanwhile, he continued his studies at fused to be beaten night. Finally he was qualified to hang out While Marguerite's job as movie theatre his shingle as a public accountant. But cashier helped keep things going, Bob set could he actually make all his studying out to fit himself for a new job. pay off To help make ends meet after Bob started out Learning to save for things they want starts for himself, Marguerite kept a firm hand on ex- young in the Norris family! Albert William, 4, "Even then it took midnight oil and teamwork managing careful buying, housekeeping, home bought a train that His dad saved penses. way.

up to our money to get over those tough years," say the Norrises. canning, she still feeds family on only $700 a year. buy a car; mother put money aside regularly Clothes take $250, taxes on house, $00 a year, so that Cora Nancy could have music lessons. Today the business Bob Norris made for himself provides an income of $6000 a year. But the family still manages their money with care, Making dresses is one way Marguerite belps build up savings for their big goals.

"But life insurance is our most important savings plan," Bob says. He now has a program of planned life insurance protection. It's budgeted at $29.49 a month. For the future he's working with his agent on a retirement program. What's the secret of Bob's ability to beat the big odds he faced 16 years ago? "If you want to get yourself abead," he says, "you can?" MR.

AND MRS. ROL AND W. LAWRENCE The marriage of Miss Virginia Anne Hill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Hill, to Roland Wesley Lawrence, son of Mr.

and Mrs. Edgar Lawrence, took place in St. Paul's Catholic Church. The double ring ceremony was performed by Rev. J.

Barron, assistant pastor. The altar boys were William and Gregory Hill, brothers of the bride. The wedding music was played by Prof. Grosse and A Frances Saunders sang "Ave Maria" and "Panis The bride was given in marriage by her father. wore a navy blue suit with blue and pink accessories.

She carried a white County wide League of Surry County tonight. The report was filed last Thurs- COMPANIES AND THEIR AGENTS money now, and from knowing that future security has been adequately provided for. The Life Insurance Companies and their Agents bring you these American family closeups because what this country amounts to depends upon what happens to its homes! INSTITUTE OF LIFE INSURANCE 60 East 42nd Street, New York 17, N. Y. Portsmouth Star--Monday, February 21, 1949--5 Philadelphia Transit Strike Is Ended PHILADELPHIA.

Feb. 21-(P) A subway guard shouted "watch the doooors!" A crowded bus squealed to a stop. trolley motorman besought nis passengers to "move to the rear of the car." For Philadelphia's commuting millions. those were welcome sounds today. The city's 10-day transit strike was over.

The Philadelphia Transportation Company's rolling stock began moving last night few hours after rank and file CIO unionists roared approval of the pay raise that ended their walkout. Although the transit tie-up was ended. the nation's largest city will not soon forget the "strike of '49; which cost business and industry an estimated $70.000,000. It forced the 3.200.000 daily PTC riders to scramble into the city by their own resources. Sardine-can tight suburban trains lugged some.

Many walked. Thousands hitch-hiked. And when the strike came to its stormy end last night. Philadelphians could look back on two noisy mass rallies, one of which broke up in a near-riot. The strike gained the CIO Transit Workers Union a wage boost of eight cents an hour and 10 "fringe" benefits: Chief of those was a provision for six leave payments.

It was a fourth round increase comes Daring" is the topic of Dr. Jordan's opening Brown lecture. Fish Hatchery: RichmondPurchase of a farm in Smyth County for a small mouth bass State hatchery has been referred to a committee composed of Dr. W. T.

Pugh, of Lynchburg: C. D. Andrews, of Suffolk: Frank Burton, of Stuart, and I. T. Quinn, commission executive director.

The 1949 output of trout will be placed into 132 streams in 37 counties. for the union, raising the wages 48 cents above what they 0 prayer book covered with pink orchids showered with tis. Mary Elizabeth Reagan was maid of honor. wore a dress of dusty rose with blue accessories and carried a nosegay of blue carnations. Martin McLoughlin was best man and the ushers Stanley Hill, brother of the bride, and Norman Butler.

A reception was held in the Virginia room of the Portsmouth Hotel Guests numbered two hundred and fifty. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence left on trip to Baltimore and Washington. They will reside on Richmond avenue, Portsmouth.

day with Federal District Court. It was ordered by Judge Stirling Mutcheson after Negro complainfiled a list of 13 exceptions ants, original equalization report made by the school board in September. The County- wide League of Surry County was described by A. W. E.

Bassette, of Hampton. as an organization of Negro citizens of Surry County. He said they were sponsors of the suit to force Surry school officials to put Negro and white public schools in the county on an equal basis. Virginia Briefs To Retire: Lawrenceville R. Lee Chambliss has announced he will not again be a candidate for superintendent of schools in Brunswiok County.

Virginia Deer: Richmond ginia hunters bagged legally during the past season 5,146 deer an increase of 1,159 over the 1947-48 season. Legal bear to the number of 138 were killed which was fewer than in the 1947-48 season. Jewish proximately Group: 250 Richmond leaders A throughout Virginia will meet March 6 at Hotel John Marshall to map plans for the State's participation in the 1949 campaign of the United Jewish Appeal. Southampton Chairman: Franklin-The appointment of S. W.

Rawls, as United States Saving Bond chairman for Southampton County announced by Dr. Francis Pendleton Gaines, States chairman. Music: Charlottesville John Touhy, II, the new vice- mayor of Norfolk, has been elected to the board of directors of the Virginia Music Festival. which will sponsor the third festival series May 13-15 in Scott Stadium at the University of Virginia. Randolph-Macon Ashland-Dr.

Gerald Ray Jordan, professor of homiletics and chapel preacher of Chandler School of Theology, Emory University, wil lopen Randolph-Macon College's Brown Lectures in the college chapel at 10 A. M. Tuesday. "'When Hope Be- Pansy Chair-Set Laura NINE just nine crocheted pansies make a whole chair-set! Flower medallions are splendid pickup work. Nine pansies, joined and edged -no wonder this set is popular! Pattern 724: crochet directionsLaura Wheeler's improved pattern makes needlework so simple with its charts, photos and concise directions.

Send twenty cents in coins for this pattern to The Portsmouth Star, 181 Needlecraft P. O. Box 116, Flatbush Station. Brooklyn 26, N. Y.

Print plainly pattern number, your name, address and zone. got in 1946. The strike cost each union some $1. a day. Each gained 64 cents.

Previously workers averaged $1.35 ar. hour. They now PTC announced a loss of about $350.000. The company says it has to increase fares to keep from going bankrupt. PTC already has raised its fares twice in the last three years.

At Harrisburg. members of the Philadelphia General Assembly prepared, meanwhile, for a public hearing on a proposed amendment to the state's labor law. The amendment. sponsored by State Senator A. Evans Kephart, Philadelphia Republican, would extend provisions of the 1947 utility law to.

cover urban transportation companies. And in Philadelphia, negotiations continued between representatives of Yellow Cab Company and the AFL-Taxi Drivera Union. A two-day walkout of cabmen. which last week added to the, woes ended of the when city's the commuters, company refused to negotiate until the men returned to work. THE LIFE INSURANCE The Norrises, like other American families, prove to all of us that the only way we really solve our problems is by our own efforts! These stories of real families much like yours also show how much more success, how much more happiness is possible when you have peace of mind the sort of peace of mind that comes from wise management of India's Sikhs Seek Separate Nation NEW DELHI, India, Feb.

21- Agitation for the establishment of a separate nation for India's warlike sikhs has flared anew. The government, which has seen a large section of this subcontinent set aside as the Moslem dominion of Pakistan, has taken strong measures to resist the demand. The militant leader of the sikhs -Master Tara Singh-was jailed yesterday along with 31 others- A monster political demonstration scheduled here yesterday was banned. The government permitted 3000 sikhs to hold a religious service however. There are about 6,000.000 sikhs in India, concentrated mostly in the East Punjab.

They have lon tradition of military service and played a conspicuous role in the British Indian Army. Plan to Attend Rhapsody in Hues A Spring Fashion Event Sponsored by the Portsmouth Junior Woman's Club. For The March of Dimes THURSDAY. FEB. 24 PETITE BALLROOM 8 P.

M. Tickets Available At The Jamous MODERN MINIMUM Maternity Wear For by Heinerta 724 Town teen center is a big interest for both the Norrises. They also teach church school, work for Clarksville recreation drive. And outdoors fun is in picture too. Bob's job still gives him time for hunting and fishing.

Bob has plans for Albert William: Harvard, Class of '65! And Bob himself wants to study for law degree. "Study. pays be says. Brocade Maternity Girdle Six-inch elastic back provides adjustment for the entire 9-month period Flesh color. 4.50 The Jamous.

The Portsmouth Star from Portsmouth, Virginia (2024)
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Name: Kelle Weber

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Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.